2010 Sundance Documentary Fund
Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program
Program: The Sundance Documentary Fund supports films that focus on current
human rights issues, freedom of expression, social justice, civil liberties and current
critical issues. Proposals are considered in five categories: development,
production/post-production, audience engagement, impact, and discretionary.
Award: Development grants – awards of up to $20,000; Production/post-production
grants – awards ranging from $25,000 to $75,000; Audience Engagement, Impact and
Discretionary grants are available to previous funded projects or by invitation.
Eligibility: International filmmakers
Deadline: February 9, 2010
Application Guidelines/Submission: Visit the website for complete application
Website: http://www.sundance.org/press_subgen3.html?articleID=4&colorCode=
Violence Prevention and Intervention Grant
American Psychological Foundation
Program: The purpose of this program is to encourage the transfer of psychological
science with regard to violence, its prevention, and intervention strategies to applications
within the community and to support the implementation of innovative community
programs aimed at preventing violence.
Award: $20,000
Eligibility: Applicants must be 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or educational institutions
or affiliated with such an organization. Special consideration will be given to programs with
a strong foundation in violence prevention and intervention research and those that have,
or show promise for broad-based community support.
Deadline: June 1, 2010
Application Guidelines/Submission: Visit the website for complete application
Website: http://www.apa.org/apf/violence.html
2010 Shelter Grant Program
Mary Kay Ash Foundation
Program: Every October, The Mary Kay Foundation observes National Domestic
Violence Awareness Month by awarding grants to deserving women’s shelters. These
grants provide services such as counseling, transportation vehicles, emergency shelter,
food, clothing and basic needs to domestic violence survivors and their children.
Award: In 2009 the Foundation provided awards of $20,000 each to 150 domestic
violence shelters.
Eligibility: Domestic violence shelters in the United States
Deadline: Applications will be available online beginning January 2, 2010 through June
30, 2010
Application Guidelines/Submission: Visit the website for complete application
Website: http://www.mkacf.org
Research on Interventions for Child Abuse and Neglect (R01)
US Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Program: This research grant is soliciting applications that focus on conducting efficacy
and effectiveness trials of child abuse and neglect interventions. The development of
large-scale trials designed to target either or both the victims or perpetrators of child
abuse and neglect, including preventive interventions is of particular interest. One of the
goals is to bring together multi-disciplinary and translational perspectives encompassing
basic biomedical, behavioral and social science research in mental health, physical
health, public health and prevention, alcohol and substance abuse, neurology, injury,
trauma and child development, to advance the knowledge of child abuse and neglect.
Award: Varies
Eligibility: Public/state controlled institution of higher education; private institution of
higher education; nonprofit with/without 501(c)(3) IRS status (other than institution of
higher education); small business; for-profit organization (other than ...
OVW FY 2010 STOP Violence Against Women
Formula Grant Program
US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
Program: The Services Training Officers Prosecutors-STOP Program supports
community efforts to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution
strategies to combat violent crimes against women and develop and strengthen victim
services in cases involving violent crimes against women. States and Territories are
encouraged to develop partnerships with victim advocacy organizations, criminal justice
system and community- and faith-based organizations.
Award: A base amount of $600,000 is awarded for each State; any funds remaining are
distributed according to population
Eligibility: Any State or Territory of the United States
Deadline: January 28, 2010
Application Guidelines/Submission: Visit the website for complete application
Website: http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/docs/fy10-stop-solicitation.pdf
OVW FY 2010 Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
Program: This program assists in developing innovative, collaborative projects that
provide quality representation to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating
violence, and stalking. OVW will give priority to applications that provide victims with
“holistic” legal representation. Holistic representation includes representation in other
legal proceedings directly related to the victim’s safety and security such as: child
support, child custody, legal separation/divorce, unemployment compensation,
immigration matters and/or housing.
Award: Total available funding: $49 million; 90 awards at a maximum of $650,000
each, the award period for these grants is 24 months
Eligibility: Domestic violence victims’ shelters, rape crisis centers and other sexual
assault services programs, private nonprofits, Indian Tribal governments, Tribal
organizations, or Indian Tribal Consortia, Territorial organizations, legal aid/statewide
legal services, faith- and community-based ...
The Tony Hawk Foundation makes grants to encourage and facilitate the design, development, construction, and operation of high-quality public skateparks in low-income areas across the United States.
The foundation will consider funding for skatepark projects that are designed and built by qualified and experienced skatepark contractors, include local skaters in the design process, are in low-income areas and/or areas with a high population of "at-risk" youth, can demonstrate a strong grassroots commitment to the project, have a creative mix of street obstacles and transition/vert terrain, do not require skaters or their parents to sign waivers, encourage skaters to look after their own safety and the safety of others, are open during daylight hours 365 days a year, do not charge an entrance fee, and are in areas that currently have no skateboarding facilities.
The applicant must be a 501(c ...
Youth Service America is accepting nominations for the first Gladys Marinelli Coccia Awards to recognize two young female social entrepreneurs whose initiatives serve the common good. The awards were created in memory of Gladys Coccia, who began her entrepreneurial career when she was a young girl in West Virginia and later became a very successful businesswoman in Washington, D.C.
To be eligible for the award, nominees must be between the ages of 14 and 17 on January 1, 2010; reside in the United States; have started her own social enterprise or organization; be supported by contributions of at least $1,000 (cash and/or in-kind); and have a business plan, including an itemized budget.
Special consideration will be given to nominees from West Virginia and metropolitan Washington, D.C. Self-nominations are accepted.
The award includes $2,000 ...
The Cintas Foundation has announced the opening of the 2010-11 fellowship competitions in the visual arts and music composition. The Cintas Fellowship Program is administered by the Cintas Foundation board and the Cintas Fellowship Program at the Frost Art Museum at Florida International University.
Cintas Fellowships acknowledge creative accomplishments and encourage excellence by artists of Cuban lineage who reside outside of Cuba. Eligibility is limited to artists of Cuban citizenship or direct descent (having a Cuban parent or grandparent).
Fellowships are awarded annually in the amount of $10,000 each. Cintas Fellows are free to pursue their artistic activities as indicated in their application. The fellowships are not awarded for academic study or research, or to performing artists.
Visit the Cintas Foundation Web site for complete program guidelines.
Link to Complete RFP
The National Film Preservation Foundation is accepting applications for its Basic Preservation Grants. These cash grants are awarded to nonprofit and public institutions for laboratory work to preserve culturally and historically significant film materials.
Grants are available to public and nonprofit institutions in the United States that provide public access to their collections, including those that are part of federal, state, or local government. The grants target orphan films made in the United States or by American citizens abroad and not protected by commercial interests. Materials originally created for television or video are not eligible, including works produced with funds from broadcast or cable television entities.
The grant must be used to pay for new laboratory work involving the creation of new film preservation elements (which may include sound tracks) and two new public access copies, one of which ...
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